Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I forgot... April 24, 2013

        I forgot... Ahhhh I bet you all think that because of my advanced age I am speaking of myself. BUT NO!! you are incorrect. Yes of course I often walk around in the post menopausal stupor wondering why I have entered a room, or stared at the contents in the freezer willing one of them to jump out and say "here you idiot! You are looking for me to feed your family with for dinner!!! duh!!"
 No I am speaking of two of the most frequently used words in my 15 yo's vocabulary. T. will come home from school in the afternoon, say on a typical Wednesday our trash day for all of his life.As usual after the typical exchange of how was school today? "OK" Do you have any homework? "Nope" Are you sure? "Yep" Can I check the website? "Go ahead" What did you do in ELA? "Nothing". Are you reading anything in class? "Yeah"  Does it have a title? "I forget what it is". OK you all get the idea.. Now since it is Wednesday the next exchange is usually... Could you please take out the trash and recyclables for pick up tomorrow? "yeah". Two hours later... T how come the cans are still at the top of the driveway? "Oh, I forgot" He also has the job of emptying the dishwasher in the morning and despite multiple reminders I will often go to put my tea mug into the dishwasher and find it full of clean dishes. Every time he is questioned as to why it was not done despite reminders the answer is always "I forgot"  

 A miracle occurs at least once daily as he miraculously remembers the time and place of the pick-up basketball game that afternoon or the party Saturday night . He maintains the ability to remember and recite the release date of movies and video games 18 mos from now and knows the exact moment classes end for the school year or to the penny how much money was in his left front jean pocket. I have difficulty remembering if I had this same problem with the older three as teens. Now what was I aiming to say...I forgot...

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